Fall is officially upon us in Spokane, WA. and how beautiful it is. The trees in their yearly dance, don the prettiest of colors and it gives us pause. It reminds us to slow down and to go inward. If fall were an hour of the day, it would be twilight. The time where sleep starts to beckon so that dreams may come and with it, insight. It's no surprise to me that our ancestors considered this time of year sacred and conducive for the dead to visit the living. It is literally the dreaming time.
The circle is powerful and sacred, we hope that you can see that its magic resides in you. We have to remember the planet is our Mother and she shows us what needs to be done, to go inward, honor our past and shed what no longer serves us. It's daring, it's brave and it's necessary in order to meet the spring, which always comes. In observance of this magical time of year and the need for us all to shed things. We are offering 15% off all energy work, past life regressions, books, Tarot and all other kinds of esoterica with promo code word CIRCLE.
Remember, as above, so below. As within, so without.